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Brandon Bohling

Parallels and Visual Studio Issue

After months of experiencing Visual Studio 2012 (running inside Parallels on my Mac) hanging when trying to exit out of the app I took a few minutes to look for a fix. Within a couple of minutes I came across this thread which contained the solution to the issue. Based on the thread it seems like the root cause of this issue is that I am working on solutions that are stored on my Mac, \\psf\Home\pathToSoltion rather than working on solutions that are on the Windows (VM) C drive.

Android's Drop Down Bug

On and off for several days now I have been trying to fix an issue where a drop down list (<select> tag) seems to be disabled on old (version 2.x) Android devices. Apparently this is a known bug with plenty of suggested fixes. Not a single one (or combination) worked for me. I even came across this suggestion since we are using iScroll, but it did not help either. What was my solution?

An Event Apart

I just spent the last few days in sunny San Diego. Instead of enjoying the outdoor activities though, I was in a large room with hundreds of other people learning about the latest in standards-based web design. The conference, An Event Apart (AEA), had twelve top-notch speakers including Jeffrey Zeldman and Eric Meyer who started the conference. In my 18 years of being a professional web guy I have been to many conferences, but without a doubt AEA was my favorite…even better than WWDC.

OSX Disk Images

I wanted to create an encrypted disk image for my 2012 Tax Return documents, but unfortunately Disk Utility, which comes with OSX, does not allow image sizes (that are encrypted and journal HFS+) less than 10.5 MB. This seemed strange, so I looked for the command line equivalent. With the help of this article I came up with this: hdiutil create -encryption -size 5m -volname 2012Taxes 2012Taxes.dmg -srcfolder ~/Desktop/foo/ -fs HFS+J 5M = disk image size (5 MB) 2012Taxes = disk image name when mounted 2012Taxes.

Remove Day Part of Date in URL

Since everyone is talking about shipping these days tonight I took the plunge and released my modified blog on a new server. I have been dreading this day because a) the redesign is incomplete and b) there are so many steps in cleanly moving a domain between providers. Of course, immediately after “flipping the switch” I realized that my old website used URLs like /2011/09/25/Ellie/, but my new configuration was setup to use /2011/09/Ellie/ (notice I no longer have a day in the URL).