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Brandon Bohling

Category: link

Count Lines of Code in a Visual Studio Solution

At work I was wading through a very old code base and was curious how many lines of code it contained. Not wanting to open the seemingly endless list of files in the solution, I went looking for a quick-n-dirty way to count the lines of code in the solution. Preferring a command-line approach than installing a utility that I would likely rarely use, I found this simple powershell snippet:

Network Throttle for iOS Development

All iOS developers must know about this handy-dandy tool by Mike Schrag: speedlimit is a Leopard [works on Lion too] preference pane for limiting your network bandwidth to one of a couple different speeds—768k DSL, Edge, 3G, and Dialup. This is really handy for testing your iPhone app under normal Edge network conditions in the iPhone Simulator. The new version allows you to restrict the slowdown to only a specific set of hosts.